Financing the Government of a Free Society

We recognize that all honest Americans benefit from legitimate government functions—the civil courts, the criminal justice system, and a volunteer military.

Consequently, it is morally just and proper that we pay a fee for governmental services rendered.

Freedom does not mean the moral right to freeload off of legitimate government services paid for by others.

Consequently, government, like any other service provider, has a right to demand and collect fees for its necessary services, fees which can be referred to as proper taxation.

It should be noted here that there are those who consider all taxation to be theft. Even proper taxation. These same people claim they should be able to shop around for a force institution that suits their peculiar wants and needs. To these people we say this: Force is not a market. Markets are driven by subjective value preferences. Under such conditions multiple products can compete to satisfy the many shades of difference that come with subjectivity. Additionally, the actor in the market is acting on his own behalf. His value preferences effect no one but himself. Thus markets are entirely private in nature. Force is a different animal entirely. The rules governing its use cannot allow for even an ounce of subjectivity. The reason for this strict integrity is that Rights are an objective value for objective reasons. Furthermore, all force is the assertion of one party’s will over another. This type of action is inherently public as the object of force is the other not the self. We must also add that a market is the absence of force and that competition between force institutions is what we normally call war.

We maintain that a constitutionally limited republic with a federalist structure, whereby federal, state and local governments check and balance each other, is a type of peaceful governmental competition that already exists. We therefore reject the notion that you can purchase rights or that violence should be a market phenomenon.

And while we understand that when government’s coercive activities are fully eliminated, when the government no longer has the legal authority to establish a welfare state, to interfere in the productive activities of honest individuals, or to violate the rights of innocent men and women in any form, the cost of funding it is reduced to a fraction of its current amount so that the expense of a proper, rights-protecting government will be exponentially lower than the Government’s current cost; We also understand there will be those who refuse to pay. For those people arbitration is an option with the full understanding that arbitration is a form of waiving certain rights otherwise guaranteed within the system.